Merchant Information

Are you a local merchant that wants to let SCSU students use their student ID card funds?

To become an off campus merchant, contact Carmela Mays with Off Campus Advantage at 877-636-2002 or E-mail Carmela at

The SCSU Hoot Loot ID Card also functions as campus debit card. Students, faculty and staff members can add any amount of money to their cards to be used exclusively with our participating merchants. Merchants who participate in the program have the ability to accept a payment type that is convenient and simple for SCSU Hoot Loot ID Cardholders.

Cardholders simply present their cards for payment and merchants process their payments through our proprietary debit card readers.

In 2009, SCSU contracted with CBord's Off Campus Advantage to provide our participating merchants with an improved experience, including newer equipment and access to online vendor services. If your business is interested in learning more about the SCSU Hoot Loot Debit Card Program, please contact Off Campus Advantage to learn more and to receive an application.